
Hongbin Lu     Associate Professor

Education and Working Experience

1987-1993   Dalian University of Technology    Bachelor

1987-2011   DICP CAS    assitant professor

2011-Now    DICP CAS    associate professor

Research Interest

Yeast cell factory construction and methanol biotransformation

Tel: 0411-84379066    Email:

Featured Publications

1. Huang Q.T.#, Kamal R.#, Shen H.W., Lu H.B., Song J.Y., Chu Y.D., Xue C.*, Zhao ZK*, Pilot-scale conversion of corn stover into lipids by the red yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2022, 10, 108858.

2. Yao C.H., Wu P.C., Pan Y.F., Lu H.B., Chi L., Meng Y.Y., Cao X.P., Xue S.*, Yang X.Y.*, Evaluation of the integrated hydrothermal carbonization-algal cultivation process for enhanced nitrogen utilization in Arthrospira platensis production, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216, 381–390.

3. Yao C.H., Pan Y.F., Lu H.B., Wu P.C., Meng Y.Y., Cao X.P., Xue S.*, Utilization of recovered nitrogen from hydrothermal carbonization process by Arthrospira platensis, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 212, 26–34.

4. Zheng Y., Chen Z.A., Lu H.B., Zhang W.*, Optimazation of carbon dioxide fixation and starch accumulation by Tetraselmis subcordiformis in a rectangular photobioreactor,  African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10, 1888–1901.

5. 褚亚东,刘颖慧,陆洪斌,曹旭鹏,薛松*, 类火星环境的低气压和水对发状念珠藻复苏的影响, 载人航天, 2018, 24(3), 411–417.

6. 刘颖慧,褚亚东,陆洪斌,曹旭鹏,薛松*, 极端低气压处理后低温高温交替对发状念珠藻的光合生理活性的影响, 载人航天, 2017, 23(6), 829–834.

7. 孟迎迎,陆洪斌,刘娇,曹旭鹏,薛松*,杨青*, 石墨化碳对微藻油脂及微藻生物柴油的脱色研究, 中国油脂, 2016, 41(10), 53–57.

8. 吕艳霞,陈兆安,陆洪斌,邓麦村*,薛松*,张卫*, 亚心形扁藻培养的优化及光合特性, 中国生物工程杂志, 2012, 32(4), 96–102.

9. 彦飞,陈兆安,曹旭鹏,陆洪斌,薛松*,张卫*, 亚心形四爿藻氢酶的稳定性及初步纯化, 生物工程学报, 2010, 26(7), 1003–1008.

10. 郑阳,陈兆安,傅赟彬,陆洪斌,张卫*, 亚心形四爿藻培养和产氢过程一体化平板光生物反应系统, 高等学校化学学报, 2008, 29(11), 2209–2212.