2008-2012 华东理工大学 学士学位
2014-2017 华东理工大学 博士学位
2017-2022 大连化物所生物技术部1823组 博士后
1. Yang S., Chen R.B., Cao X., Wang G.D., Zhou Y.J.*, De novo biosynthesis of the hops bioactive flavonoid xanthohumol in yeast, Nat. Commun., 2024, 15, 253.
2. Cao X., Yu W., Chen Y., Yang S., Zhao Z.K., Nielsen J., Luan H.W., Zhou Y.J.*, Engineering yeast for high-level production of diterpenoid sclareol, Metab. Eng., 2023, 75, 19-28.
3. Cao C.Y., Zhang H.Y., Cao X., Kong S.J., Zhu B.W., Lin X.P*., Zhou Y.J.*, Construction and optimization of nonclassical Isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways in yeast peroxisomes for (+)-valencene production, 2023, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2023, 71, 11124-11130.
4. Yu W., Cao X., Gao J.Q., Zhou Y.J.*, Overproduction of 3-hydroxypropionate in a super yeast chassis, Bioresource Technol., 2022, 361, 127690.
5. Cao C.Y., Cao X., Yu W., Chen Y.X., Lin X.P., Zhu B.W.*, Zhou Y.J.*, Global metabolic rewiring of yeast enables overproduction of sesquiterpene (+)-valencene, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2022, 70(23), 7180-7187.
6. Wei L.J.#, Cao X.#, Liu, J.J., Kwak S., Jin Y.S., Wang W., Hua Q.*, Increased accumulation of squalene in engineered Yarrowia lipolytica through deletion of PEX10 and URE2, Appl Environ Microbiol., 2021, 87(17), e0048121.
7. Cao X., Yang S., Cao C., Zhou Y.J.*, Harnessing sub-organelle metabolism for biosynthesis of isoprenoids in yeast, Synth. Syst. Biotechnol., 2020, 5, 179-186.
8. Yang S., Cao X., Yu W., Li S., Zhou Y.J.*, Efficient targeted mutation of genomic essential genes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Appl. Microbial. Biotechnol., 2020, 104, 3037-3047.
9. Gao Q., Cao X., Huang Y.Y., Yang J.L., Chen J., Wei L.J.*, Hua Q.*, Overproduction of fatty acid ethyl esters by the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica through metabolic engineering and process optimization, ACS Synth. Biol., 2018, 7(5), 1371-1380.
10. Cao X.#, Wei L.J.#, Lin J.Y., Hua Q.*, Enhancing linalool production by engineering oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, Bioresource Technol., 2017, 245, 1641-1644.
11. Cao X., Lv Y.B., Chen J., Imanaka T., Wei L.J.*, Hua Q.*, Metabolic engineering of oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica for limonene overproduction, Biotechnol. Biofuels, 2016, 9(1), 214.
1. 周雍进, 曹选, 一种工程菌的构建方法及其应用, 专利号:202111539688.7
2. 花强, 韦柳静, 曹选, 林嘉宇, 一种产芳樟醇的解脂耶氏酵母基因工程菌及其应用, 专利号:201710419622.1
3. 花强, 韦柳静, 曹选, 吕预备, 陈骏, 一种产柠檬烯的解脂耶氏酵母基因工程菌及其应用, 专利号:201610817882.X
4. 花强, 韦柳静, 高琪, 曹选, 黄羽盈, 一种产脂肪酸乙酯的解脂耶氏酵母基因工程菌及其应用, 专利号:201610818867.7